School Policies » PUSD Cell Phone Policy

PUSD Cell Phone Policy

PUSD Cell Phone Policy

Technology is a part of our world, both at home and school. While we recognize that cell phones are a part of our everyday lives, they are not necessary to fulfill student learning while at school. On the contrary, cell phones in school are a distraction and problematic causing a disruption in classroom instruction and creating concerns on our campus. In the past few weeks we have experienced an increase in the number of issues associated with cell phone usage. 
In an effort to support student learning and create the safest and healthiest environment for students and staff, the cell phone expectation at Bartlett is that all cell phones must remain powered off and are to remain put away during the school day-no exceptions (this includes the YES Program). In the event that your child must call home during the school day, a telephone is available in the office for them to call home. 

Students are aware of these expectations, as well as the consequences if they fail to adhere to this expectation. 

First offense: Cell phone gets confiscated until the end of the school day  
Second offense: Cell phone gets confiscated and parents must come pick it up at the end of the school day.
Further offenses: Parents and administration will conference to discuss further consequences as needed on a case by case basis.

Thank you in advance for your continued support as we work together to provide a safe and productive learning environment for all of our students and staff.